Monday, December 10, 2012

Flourless Chocolate cake with baked stone fruits

300g Dark cooking chocolate
125g butter
200g brown sugar
1 cup almond meal
1/4 cup slithered almonds
5 eggs, separated
1 pinch cream of tartar

3 blood plums sliced
3 white nectarines sliced
2 tbs golden syrup
2 tbs brown sugar
juice of 2 oranges

Preheat oven to 180 degrees
Line the base of a round dish with baking paper
Melt the chocolate and butter in a bowl over a saucepan of boiling water
Stir in brown sugar, almond meal and almonds
Stir until smooth and allow to cool for 5 mins
Add one egg yolk at a time and stir through
Place egg whites in a bowl with cream of tartar
Beat until soft peaks form
Fold the egg whites into chocolate mixture
Pour into lined tin
Bake for 50mins or until firm on top
Allow to cool

Place fruit in a baking dish
Sprinkle with sugar and golden syrup
Pour orange juice over
Bake for 30-40mins until soft

Place stone fruits over cake

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