Saturday, August 25, 2012

stuffed capsicum

4 capsicums
1 cup uncooked brown rice
1 can lentils
1 diced red onion
3 stalks spring onion chopped finely
2 cups sliced mushrooms
100g sliced kalamata olives
100g greek feta
3 tbs pine nuts
1 tbs curry powder
1 heaped tbs curry paste
1 tbs worcestershire sauce
1 tbs coconut oil

Preheat oven to 180 degrees
Slice the top off capsicums and scoop out insides
Cook rice in boiling water
In a large wok heat coconut oil 
 Stir through curry powder, worcestershire sauce, red onion and mushrooms until it softens.
Add cooked rice, rinsed lentils, curry past, olives and spring onions.
 cook for further 3 mins
stir in feta
Scoop mixture into capsicums
add pine nuts on top and a sprinkle of feta
place on tray and into oven for 40mins


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