Saturday, July 21, 2012

Apple crumble slice


I couldn't find a good apple slice recipe anywhere, so I made one up.  For the crumble, I used mums recipe.

8 Granny Smith apples
1 teaspoon Cinnamon 
2 eggs
1 1/2 cups plain flour
1/3 cup milk
180g butter
3/4 cup caster sugar
Juice of one lemon

1 cup rolled oats
1 cup shredded coconut
1 cup plain flour
1/2 cup brown sugar
50g butter

 Preheat oven to 180 degrees.

Peel apples and cut into small cubes.
Place into a large saucepan with the juice of one lemon and cinnamon on medium heat. 
Cover with lid.
Stir every few minutes until they soften.

Beat butter and sugar with an electric mixer until light and fluffy.
Add 2 eggs, sift in flour, add milk and beat for 5 minutes. 

Line a baking dish 20cm by 30cm with baking paper, continuing up and over the sides at both ends. 
Pour 2/3 of the cake batter into the dish.
Cover in apples.
Use remaining batter to spoon over apples. 

In a large mixing bowl, place flour, oats, coconut, sugar and softened butter and mix with fingertips. 
Place over apple mixture and put into the oven for 45mins. 

Remove from oven when cooked through. 
Allow to cool before removing from baking dish. 

Dust icing sugar over crumble to serve.


Thursday, July 19, 2012

When life gives you Lemons


Whisk together 7 eggs, 310ml cream, 1 cup caster sugar, 3/4 cup lemon juice, the juice of one lime, 1 1/2 tablespoons of lemon rind and the rind of one lime. Cover and put in fridge to develop flavours for at least 1 hour.

Combine 1 3/4 cups plain flour, 1/2 cup almond meal, 1/4 cup icing sugar, 175g of room temp butter. 
Either put in a food processor or mix with your finger tips until it resembles fine bread crumbs. 
Add 2 egg yolks and about 2-4 tablespoons of water until you get a dough you can knead together. 
Knead together on a lighty floured surface. 
Cover in glad wrap and put in the fridge for 30mins.  

Preheat oven to 200 degrees 
Grease a fluted round tin 
Roll out pastry between 2 sheets of non stick paper until it's 3-4mm thick.  
Using your rolling pin, roll the pastry up then roll it out over the tin.  
Line the base and sides with pastry then cut off excess at top. 
Cover with baking paper and fill with uncooked rice 
Bake for 10mins 
Remove paper and rice 
Cook for another 10-15mins or until lightly golden 
Reduce oven to 160 
Cool pastry case 
Pour lemon filling into cool pastry case 
Put in oven for 45-60mins or until set 
Remove and cool in fridge 
Turn oven to 160 

Using an electric mixer, beat together 6 egg whites until peaks form.  
Add 1 1/4 cups caster sugar, one tablespoon at a time 
Mixture should be glossy and form peaks  
Fold in 1 tablespoon corn flour, 1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste, 1 teaspoon white vinegar.  
Spoon mixture onto pie 
Put in oven at 160 for about 20 mins or until lightly brown.   
Refridgerate for about 2 hours

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Very vanilla slice

Very Vanilla slice

2 sheets puff pastry
1 cup sugar
3/4 cup cornflour
1/2 cup custard powder 
4 cups milk
60g butter
2 egg yolks
1 tablespoon vanilla bean paste

1 cup icing sugar
1 teaspoon butter
3 passion fruit 

Place both sheets of puff pastry on a large ungreased tray
Bake at 200 degrees for 5-10mins or until golden brown
Flatten puffy side of pastry with hand
Trim pastry to fit baking tin 

Line baking tin with foil, bringing foil up over sides.
Place one piece of pastry in tin

Combine sugar, cornflour and custard powder in saucepan, mix well
Blend with a little milk until smooth, stir in remaining milk, add butter
Stir over heat until mixture boils and thickens
Reduce heat and simmer 3 minutes
Remove from heat, stir in vanilla and egg yolks

Pour hot custard immediately over pasty in tin
Place other sheet over top
Press pastry firm with hand

Refrigerate until cool


 Sift icing sugar into bowl, add softened butter and passion fruit pulp
mix well

Spread icing over cool pastry